Thursday, May 31, 2007

How we see ourselves

The rarest thing in the world is a woman who is pleased with photographs of herself. ~Elizabeth Metcalf

I came across this quote and asked myself why this is true. It is a rare woman indeed, who is pleased with photos of herself and an ever rarer woman who is pleased with her reflection in the mirror.

What would happen, if when we see ourselves in the mirror, and in pictures our internal voice said hello beautiful, instead of hello ugly? I am reminded that our thoughts, become our actions, become our habits, become our character, become our destiny. If this is true what is the destiny we women are creating with out negative thoughts, and what could it be if we changed those thoughts positive?

Sunday, May 6, 2007


1.Don't abbrev.
2.Check to see if you any words out.
3.Be carefully to use adjectives and adverbs correct.
4.About sentence fragments.
5.When dangling, don't use participles.
6.Don't use no double negatives.
7.Each pronoun agrees with their antecedent.
8.Just between you and I, case is important.
9.Join clauses good, like a conjunction should.
10.Don't use commas, that aren't necessary.
11.Its important to use apostrophe's right.
12.It's better not to unnecessarily split an infinitive.
13.Never leave a transitive verb just lay there without an object.
14.Only Proper Nouns should be capitalized. also a sentence should
begin with a capital and end
with a period
15.Use hyphens in compound-words, not just in any two-word phrase.
16.In letters compositions reports and things like that we use commas
to keep a string of items apart.
17.Watch out for irregular verbs which have creeped into our language.
18.Verbs has to agree with their subjects.
19.Avoid unnecessary redundancy.
20.A writer mustn't shift your point of view.
21.Don't write a run-on sentence you've got to punctuate it.
22.A preposition isn't a good thing to end a sentence with.
23.Avoid cliches like the plague.

(Author Unknown)

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Maybe I should have been born a mouse, for I just adore cheese. I love to use it in a myriad of recipes . For example it is great as a topping on salads, sandwiches, and pasta dishes.

However when I want to just snack on cheese, my favorite two kinds are Mild Cheddar, and Swiss. I was just eating thin cut slices of Swiss cheese, and I have come to the conclusion that the best tasting slices are the ones with the big holes on them.

For some reason if the Swiss cheese has only little holes or no holes, it doesn’t taste good at all, but when it has big holes it tastes wonderful. Ummm just thinking of it makes my mouth water. I think I hall have another slice or two.