Monday, October 1, 2007

To be at peace with oneself...

It is easier to handle being alone because there is no one else about then to be alone even though you are surrounded by many people. I came to this conclusion long ago. Growing up it seemed that the only time I wasn't on the outside looking in, was when there was no one else around. I found my self becoming increasingly more solitary because it was less painful then being around others. I went off by myself to hide, to grieve, or to protect myself.

Thankfully over time this all changed. Somewhere along the line I made peace with myself. Once this occurred my whole life changed. I was surprised how it became easier to be around other people, and yet I still seek out and even look forward to those times of complete solitude.(And I am not talking about being away from people but surrounded by distractions. I don't need to be occupied with books, music, TV, computers, movies etc... I love to sit alone in a quite room and meditate, communicate with my God, and delve into the recesses of my mind and imagination.)

Why? Because it is during these times, that I can regain my center. It is at these times when I find that I come to greater understanding of myself, my God, and creation. It is at these times when I am filled with peace, strength, guidance, and love. Then I go and return to the outside world ready to love, serve, and live.

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