Thursday, August 28, 2008

The invisible ties that bind

For such a big world we live in, I find it fascinating how connected we all are. Everywhere I go I seem to meet people who are somehow connected to me. Like mutual friends/acquaintances and such. Last night I had three such experiences.

I went to a party with a friend, there I met many really great people. In the course of that party I discovered that one person actually had heard of the very small (as in a average of 80-140 on campus students at any given time) private college. Apparently his cousin is one of my classmates. In the course of another conversation I discovered that many of the people at that party know and are good friends with one of my childhood friends whom I haven't seen since I was 11 years old and my family moved out of state. Lastly while discussing missions, I discovered that I had not only served with a close friend of one of the party goers, but that that same person's brother is one of the members in the second to last area I served in on my mission.

Whenever such connections are discovered, I feel invisible cords binding me closer to that stranger. When this happens I see the hand of the Lord in my life. For I believe that He brings us together as one of His Tender Mercies to remind us of the fact that we are all connected in more ways then we could understand, and thus are never really alone.

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