Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Happiness is...

Have you ever sat and contemplated what happiness is? I have upon occasion. It is a very important subject after all. With all that in mind...I was reading one of my favorite books the other day to my friend and roommate. In this book the main character was sitting at family dinner one evening, and everyone was stating what they believed happiness is. I just loved her reply, "Happiness is being able to sneeze whenever you want."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great definition. One of my definitions is: "Happiness is eating a whole can of Pringles by yourself." It really does makes me happy...

Happiness is a tricky subject. It all depends on what kind of "happiness" you are searching for. I find that what many people call "happiness" is merely entertainment or fun. One can argue that True Happiness comes from not breaking Natural Laws (some of which are the inalienable rights America's Founders spoke of). That, of course, entails a whole slew of things that lead to happiness.

Personally, I believe a person can only ever attain True, full Happiness by first attaining perfection. However, since that isn't an option around here, if we try to keep the Natural Laws as best as is possible for us, we will find vast amounts of Happiness in our lives. It may not be complete and perfect Happiness, but it will be a piece of that Perfection.

There are a lot of ways to seek such perfection too -- and I cheer those of you doing all you can to find it. We may have different paths, but we all travel to the same end. Best of Luck to you!